Wednesday, June 14, 2006

sweet sweet internet

Thankfully, after much internet withdraw, Brighthouse has restored our cable connection. It wouldn't have been that bad except for the realization yesterday that not only had I left my cell phone off over the weekend because of too many "unknown" callers but that since we have digital phone service my house phone was disconnected too. Now normally this wouldn't matter that much, but I realized that no one out of town had any way to contact me. In some ways this was kind of nice, a little break from a world where anyone can get ahold of me at pretty much any time. On the other hand this meant that I couldn't do things like send a thank you email to Jeff for the books he sent me... so I had to call my Dad (once turning my cell back on) and have him do it for me.

The thing is though, without my normal posting schedule I realized just how disconnected from the rest of the world I've been recently. I don't think I see my friends outside of game anymore... not that game hasn't long been the primary method of socializing here in Tampa (for my friends) but there's something to be said about just hanging out as yourself. This especially holds true after last weekend... three games in a row, ugh. Don't get me wrong, I love gaming - it fits in well with my fantasy-escapism personality. But three gaming sessions back to back (to back) left me feeling a bit burnt out. Maybe I'm getting old or something because I remember when a gaming filled weekend left me feeling refreshed as if I'd just had a pleasant vacation. Then again it may also be due to the fact that it was three separate games so I was playing different characters.

Either way I'm glad that last weekend was an exception due to shuffling schedules and makeup games.

A brief summary:

Friday - fighter/pseudo-monk action time! This was my first time at Gary (the inker of Legacy!)'s game and it was lots of laid-back fun. I got to fight a hot-pocket golem!

Saturday - Corey's D&D game, Ravenloft style. Seeing how almost all our characters are depressed several of us got "drunk":
Worf: ...and then Death took over Darkon.
Cshiana: Wait a sec... Death's a person?
Worf: uh, yeah, I guess so...
Cshiana: Is Life a person too then?
Worf: ..... umm, I dunno, could be.
Tori: Well if Hope can be a tree, Death can be a person.
*insert crickets chirping*
Cshiana: Sure, that makes as much sense as anything else here.
*more drinking*
Also, there was much cursing about gypsies...
Old gypsy woman: If you fulfill your oath a unholy reunion will result but you can overcome it if you remain strong.
Cshiana: ....
Can I ask you a question?
OGW: Of course.
Cshiana: Why do you even bother? I mean, seriously, what's the point of all this prophesy stuff anyway? No matter what you say it's always so vague that it could mean thousands of different things - so why even bother? I mean let's review here, first you all tell me that to save my father I have to save your granddaughter so she can tell us the wording of the curse she placed on my father... now you show up and tell us that we can't possibly save your granddaughter so we have to kill her - and that apparently you've known the words to the curse all along. And according to you the only way to break the curse is to bring the key to the world's destruction to the people who want to use it to free the thing that could destroy the world. So in summary: I can only free my father by possibly destroying the world and apparently bringing about some unholy union in the process... did I miss anything?
OGW: *looks all mysterious and disappears into the storm*
Cshiana: Bloody Gypsies!

Sunday - Aberrant!We managed to contain an unbelievably powerful nuclear radiation creature (aka Glowstick) while barely averting an international disaster.
Glowstick: I will take what I need, but I will stay out of your protectorate.
Valor: Great, how about you give us some time and we'll find a way to give you your own area to live in with a renewable energy source for you to feed on?
Glowstick: RAWR! I will not be imprisoned!
alor: Not a prison, your own property.
*more attempt to come up a a peaceful solution for all resulting in going around in circles*
Glowstick: I will take what I need.
Whisper: Wait! Why don't you go to Chernobyl? There should be energy to sustain you there while we come up with an unlimited food source for yo
*Creature flys off to Russia*
*Tsunami realizes that the Phoenix Corp has just sent a nuclear-powered being with no regard for human life to a foreign country*
Whisper: Well that should by us some time! *teleports away*
Somehow though, everything worked out okay in the end.

On the comic book end of things I finally got to read the new Wonder Woman book. I'm still not sure how I feel about it, but it has potential.

As for 52... I had to be amused at the idea that Animal Man is hanging out with naked Starfire and complaining. That man is obviously devoted to his wife - about time someone's not just randomly sleeping around in the comic book world. I actually enjoyed the latest 52 since it had a bit more story and less Booster Gold.

On a side note my Mouse Guard books are now being passed between 4 different people down here - I haven't found anyone who doesn't enjoy those books. Most exciting was the fact that Jeff sent me a signed copy of Mouse Guard #1! Thanks Jeff <3 That goes right up on my list of cool stuff next to the Batman sketch Scott Hanna did for me of Batman back when I was a kid.

I'm sure tomorrow's post will be somewhat more coherent. Well, maybe :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah - you're back! I missed your posting.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006  
Blogger Gwen said...

Yes, well, hurricanes do funny things to your posting schedule.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006  
Blogger Arielle said...

That's funny - our internet wasn't knocked out by the hurricane, it had already been out since Thursday - along with our internet phone. =) They finally fixed it Tuesday.

I had no idea that's why you were being so quiet...

Welcome back. Those are highly entertaining summaries of our games - though I have to agree with you, three back to back sessions with different characters is too much!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006  
Blogger Arielle said...

So what is that first picture, Cshiana - a picture of you with your married man? =D

Wednesday, June 14, 2006  
Blogger Gwen said...

OMG Arielle, I am NOT into married men!!! I swear, you people. Actually that was my picture for Grae back when I thought Corey was making him seem a bit evil. I'm glad you found the summaries amusing although our drinking conversation was much more entertaining in person. Hmm, I think I need to add a picture...

Wednesday, June 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to have you back!! Hope nothing was ruined due to water damage. On a side note, I would love to hear your thoughts on secret identities. Marvel just outed my all time favorite superhero. Stupid move me thinks. So how about you? Are secret identities necessary?? What's their purpose?
Here's hoping for a gentle hurricane season this year!!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006  
Blogger Arielle said...

Outed your favorite hero? Which would that be? Spiderman? I don't think my husband will like that if that's the case!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006  
Blogger Arielle said...

Of course, with the Shadow Fey, they might look creepy and evil even if they're not - you never can tell! It is a cool picture.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006  
Blogger Arielle said...

Hey, I'm all for hanging out more outside of game. I get bored so easily these days - which is why I either end up spamming people's comments (like I'm doing now) - or just aimlessly wandering around the internet.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arielle, you must be psychic. Can't believe they gave away his secret ID. How is he supposed to do his thing now? What about lawsuits by the villains whose rights were violated? What about these same villains going after his wife and other loved ones? Who's gonna hire a known superhero? You're just asking for a visit from the Sinister Six. Imagine them knocking over the cubicle walls and wreaking the conference room. Is that covered by insurance? And what about getting sued by the guy whose car you destroyed when the Hulk threw you into it? Can a superhero realistically do his/her thing with papparazzi all over him/her?

Wednesday, June 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Civil War #2 had Captain America kick a guy out of a speeding truck into the path of police cars. Are we to assume that Captain America is willing to kill to get away with the Young Avengers? Also they said in Cap's secret underground that only 33rd degree SHEILD agents know about (of which Nick Fury is the only one) is working on new secret identities for every one. So now all the super heroes will be bad guys fighting the law as they try to get villains? We saw how well that worked in Batman. If you have super-heroes in your fantasy world, it is no longer the real world and certain things have to be accepted. By grounding the super-heroes into reality, you are destroying the fantasy that they even exist. This is not working for me. It reads like a good elseworlds yarn, that you can have gaping wholes because once the story is over its over, but it ain't working as a new world order. The final revelation of SPider-Man announcing his secret ID to the world was the only big secret ID card Marvel had. They are really going to have to work ard to make the Marvel U any good anymore - I think they may have ruined Spider-Man in this continuity forever. We will see what Deus Ex Machina appears in a year or so to correct it. Maybe the Scarlett Witch can just say - secret idenities return.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006  
Blogger Arielle said...

I agree that you have to suspend certain aspects of reality - such as the way our laws work - in order to have a comic book in which the protagonist can really be a superhero. I had to remind my husband of this (he's the one that runs our Abberant game) lest he employ all the knowledge he's been picking up during his criminal justice education and make life incredibly hard for our characters.

I think one of the reasons superheroes strike such a chord with so many of us is because they can do the things that we can't - and I'm not talking about special powers. Most of us feel pretty helpless about all the atrocities that we see in the news, so it's nice to have a world to escape to in which there are good people with the power to step in and put a stop to those bad things, and the evildoers really do get punished.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006  
Blogger Arielle said...


Couldn't agree with you more. I'd imagine it would be almost impossible for Spiderman to still be the kind of hero he is after his identity becomes known. Spiderman's situation isn't exactly like the X-men or the Avengers, after all!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006  
Blogger Gwen said...

y'know, I should probably edit for more than spelling errors before I post *sigh* Oh well, I'll do a post tomorrow about secret identities.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006  

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